CG Board Class 6 History: “Rise of New Religious Ideologies” – Back Page Exercises .This page comprises Fill in the Blanks, Questions and Answers, as well as Additional Questions and Answers for the chapter.
Fill in the blanks:
1. Mahaveer Swami was born in ___________ B.C. [540]
2. Mahatma Buddha was born at ___________. [Lumbini]
3. Mahatma Buddha delivered his first sermon at ___________.[sarnath]
4. Teachings of Mahatma Buddha are compiled in the ___________.[Tripitikas]
5. Right faith, right knowledge and right action are called ___________ in Jainism.[Triratna ]
Answer the following question:
1. Write biography about Mahaveer swami ?
Mahavir Swami or Mahavir was born in 540 BC. In Vaishali. At the age of thirty he left ordinary life, spent twelve years in intense meditation and penance and attained “Kaivalya”, or complete enlightenment. Mahavira emphasized the basic Jain principles of Ahimsa (non-violence), truthfulness, non-possessiveness, non-stealing and celibacy.
2. Describe the teachings of Jainism?
The core principles of Jainism include ahimsa (non-violence), truthfulness, aparigraha, non-stealing, and celibacy. Followers aim to follow the Panchamahavrata, or five precepts, to attain right knowledge, true wisdom and right conduct.
3. Describe the life sketch of Mahatma Buddha ?
Mahatma Buddha, born as Siddhartha in 563 BC in Lumbini at the age of 29, gave up his princely life after facing old age, illness and asceticism. He attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree at Bodh Gaya, preached the Four Noble Truths and described the Eightfold Path as a means to eliminate suffering. His teachings reject the caste system, promote detachment and believe in equality of all living beings.
4. Write the teachings of Buddhism ?
Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths, which explain the origin and cessation of suffering. The Eightfold Path explains the right way to end suffering through practices such as right understanding, intention, speech, action and livelihood. The Buddha also emphasized the Middle Way, which is a balanced lifestyle between much enjoyment and much austerity. Buddhism does not worship gods, rejects the caste system and promotes aparigraha.
Write short notes in 4-5 lines
1. Triratna (Three jewels)
2. Four noble truths.
3. Five Mahavratas.
4. Eight fold path
Triratna (Three Jewels): In Jainism, Triratna consists of three fundamental principles that guide a Jain’s life: right knowledge (Samyak Gyana), true knowledge (Samyak Philosophy), and right conduct (Samyak Charitra). These jewels are sought after by adhering to the Five Mahavratas.
Four Noble Truths: The foundation of Buddhist teachings, the Four Noble Truths describe the nature of suffering (dukkha), its cause (desire and attachment), the possibility of its cessation, and the path to end suffering. These truths are central to understanding and addressing human suffering.
Five Mahavratas: In Jainism, the Five Mahavratas are the five great vows that guide a Jain’s way of life. They include ahimsa (non-violence), truthfulness, non-stealing, non-possessiveness, and celibacy. Adhering to these vows is essential for spiritual progress and liberation.
Eightfold Path: The Eightfold Path is a core concept in Buddhism, offering a practical guide to ethical and mental development. It includes right understanding, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration. By following this path, Buddhists seek to attain enlightenment and end the cycle of suffering and rebirth.
CG Board Class 6 History Rise of New Religious Ideologies Extra Question Answer
Q: Who was the 24th Tirthankara in Jainism?
Answer: Swami Mahaveer
Q: Which of the following is one of the Triratna in Jainism?
Answer: Ahimsa
Q: Which term refers to right knowledge in Jainism?
Answer: Samyak Gyana
Q: Who was the founder of Buddhism?
Answer: Gautam Buddha