Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

CG Board Class 8 Right to Information

Who took the decision of doing an agreement with the Sarpanch and why?

The villagers, led by Habib, decided to make an agreement with the Sarpanch. They chose this because the Sarpanch admitted his mistakes, promised not to repeat them, and agreed to pay the unpaid wages. The decision was made with the advice of Budhiya, Bishnu, and Bhola.


What is the procedure of receiving or getting information according to the Right to Information?

To get information under the Right to Information Act, you need to write an application to the organization or office you want information from. You also need to pay a fee of Rs. 10/-. After 30 days, the office should provide the information. If the information is incorrect or incomplete, you can appeal to higher authorities. If the office still doesn’t provide the right information, they can be penalized.


Within how many days after the application in relating right to information act, the competent officer should be informed about?

Within 30 days after submitting the application, the competent officer should be informed about whether the information has been received or not.



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