Last updated on February 6th, 2024 at 12:44 am
Answer the following questions:-
1. Why do we find the Sun to be the biggest and the brightest star?
The Sun appears to be the biggest and brightest star because it is the closest star to Earth.
2. Why does the Pole Star appear to be stationary?
The Pole Star, or Polaris, appears to be stationary because it is located almost directly above the Earth’s North Pole.
3. How will you recognize the Pole Star?
The Pole Star, or Polaris, can be recognized by its location almost directly above the Earth’s North Pole.
4. Write the names of the planets as per their increasing distance from the Sun.
5. Recognize the planet according to the information given:-
a) The biggest planet: Jupiter
b) The planet which has life: Earth
c) The brightest planet: Venus
d) The red planet: Mars
e) The first planet discovered with the telescope: Uranus
f) The planet with three rings: Saturn
g) The planet with eight satellites: Neptune