Last updated on February 16th, 2022 at 11:06 am
Number Names and Number Sense definition – Numbers Plays a very Important role in our Life. With the help of numbers, we can measure count and compare things.
Hundred | Tens | Ones |
2 | 0 | 1 |
The number written here is 201 and number name is Two hundred one.
In this the place value of 1 is ones, 0 is at tens position and 2 is at hundreds position.
Examples 1: 157
Hundred | Tens | Ones |
1 | 5 | 7 |
Examples 1: 153
Hundred | Tens | Ones |
1 | 5 | 3 |
Examples 1: 257
Hundred | Tens | Ones |
2 | 5 | 7 |
Write the number names of given number.
123 – One Hundred Twenty-Three
111 – One Hundred Eleven
140 – One Hundred Forty
Face value and Place value
The face value of a digit is the value of digit itself.
The place value is the value of the place of a digit in number.
Example: –
178 – one hundred seventy-eight it’s a 3-digit number.
8 is in the one place. its place value is 8.
7 is in the tens place. Its place value is 70.
1 is in the hundreds place. Its place value is 100.
Order of numbers
When numbers are written from smallest to greatest, it is said to be in increasing order.
Increasing Order – 25, 120, 75, 62, 65
Correct Order –
When numbers are written from greatest to smallest, it is said to be in decreasing order.
Decreasing Order – 25, 120, 75, 62, 65