Last updated on August 14th, 2023 at 10:40 pm
Class 3 Maths Number Sense Worksheet
Important points:-
The smallest 4-digit number is a thousand the largest 4-digit number is 9999
The place value of zero is always zero
The successor of a number is 1 more than the number
The predecessor of a number is 1 less than the number
If two numbers are given then the number with more digit is greater than the other
Numbers in ascending order mean the smallest to the greatest
Numbers in descending order means greatest to the smallest
Class 3 Maths Worksheet
Fill in the blanks:-
The smallest 3 digit number is………….
The largest 3 digit number is…………..
The smallest 1 digit number is………….
The largest 1 digit number is…………..
The smallest 2 digit number is………….
The largest 2 digit number is…………..
The smallest 4 digit number is………….
The largest 4 digit number is…………..
The number just before a given number is its…….
The number immediately after a given number is its…….
The sum of any 2 odd numbers is always………..
The sum of any 2 even numbers is always………..
The sum of even and odd numbers is always………..
What is the place value of 5 on 5840………
What is the place value of 3 in 7349……….
What is the place value of 2 in 4321………….
What is the place value of 1 in 4321………….
Write the predecessor of
Write the successor of ……..