Q: Who is Thuza?
Thuza is a young woman who lived in a village on the banks of the Irrawaddy river.
Q: Who is Theingi?
Theingi is Thuza’s husband who believed he was an alchemist and spent all his time searching for ways to turn dirt into gold.
Q: What was Thuza’s problem with her husband?
Thuza’s problem with her husband was that he spent all their money on his alchemy experiments and refused to get a job.
Q: Who did Thuza approach for a solution to her problem?
Thuza approached her wise old father, Thet, for a solution to her problem.
Q: Who did Theingi go to meet the next day?
Theingi went to meet his father-in-law, Thet, the next day.
Q: What did Thet tell Theingi about his alchemy experiments?
Thet told Theingi that he had done everything exactly like Thet did when he was young, and he was definitely on the verge of a breakthrough.
Q: What was the secret ingredient for turning dirt into gold?
The secret ingredient was a silver powder found only on banana leaves that gain magical powers as the banana plants grow.
Q: How can Theingi obtain the secret ingredient?
Theingi can obtain the secret ingredient by planting the bananas himself and casting certain spells on them.