Last updated on September 27th, 2022 at 01:13 pm
Define the types of scanners?
Flatbed scanner:
The flatbed scanner occupies some desk space. Due to its flexible cover, it can scan large items such as books, as well as standard (A4) sized documents. It can be used to scan the newspaper, book chapters, or photographs.
Handheld scanner:
Handheld scanners are moved over the information to be scanned. It is much smaller and less expensive than a flatbed scanner.
Define Impact Printer?
The paper comes into contact with an impact printer. An inked ribbon is usually pressed against the paper using a hammer or pins to form the print image. Example dot matrix printer
Define Non-Impact Printer?
A non-impact printer does not use a striking device to hammer against the paper to produce characters. Example inkjet and LaserJet printer.
Write Full Forms of the following.
OCR – Optical Character Recognition
OMR- Optical Mark Recognition
ALU – Arithmetic and logical unit
CU – Control Unit