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By Savita S. More

Class 4 Science Plants Questions and Answers

Last updated on September 17th, 2023 at 11:29 pm

Plants Class 4 Questions and Answers | worksheet on green plants for grade 4 – Class 4 The Green Plants , what is the food factory of a plant etc .

Plants Class 4 Questions and Answers


Fill in the blanks

  1. Leaves appear green due to the presence of………………….
  2. The flat part of the leaf is known as the ………………
  3. The food prepared by the process of photosynthesis is………………….
  4. Trees growing on mountains have ……….. like leaves 
  5. Leaves stores the extra food as ………… 


Answers of Fill in the blanks:

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Leaf Blade
  3. Glucose
  4. Needle
  5. Starch

Write one word for the following:-


  1. Substance that makes leaves looks green…………
  2. The flat part of the leaf…………….
  3. Tiny opening that help plants to take in and give out air………..
  4. Process by which leaves prepare their own food……………
  5. The food factory of a Plant…………….


Correct answer of one word

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Leaf Blade
  3. Stomata
  4. Photosynthesis
  5. Leaves

Short answer questions


Q. – Which part of the leaf is involved in the transportation of substance?

The veins present in the leaves helps in the transportation of substance to and from the leaf.


Q. – Why do leaves have stomata?

Stomata help plants to take in and out air.


Q. – How does chlorophyll help plants in the production of food?

Green plants produce food with the help of chlorophyll found in their leaves, as well as light water and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


Q. – What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which leaves convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into food.


Q. – What happens to the food prepared by Green Leaves?

The plant’s stem and branches transport prepared food from the leaves to other parts of the plant. The plant uses some of its food in its daily activities.

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