Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 5 EVS Chapter 22 On the Move Again

Class 5 EVS Chapter 22 On the Move Again


Q: Which festival brings all relatives to Dhanu’s house?
A: Dussehra


Q: What special food items are prepared during the festival?
A: Puranpoli (sweet rotis) and spicy kadi dish


Q: Who is the mukadam in the story?
A: An agent who lends money and helps find work in sugarcane fields


Q: How long does Dhanu’s family work away from their village?
A: Six months


Q: Why do families like Dhanu’s need to borrow money from the mukadam?
A: To manage expenses during the six months when there is no rain and no work in their village


Q: What kind of shelter do they live in near the sugarcane fields?
A: Huts made of dry sugarcane and its leaves


Q: Who stays behind in the village when families leave?
A: The old, ill people, and very young children


Q: What is Dhanu’s grandmother called in the story?
A: Dadi


Q: What work do men do in the sugarcane fields?
A: They cut sugarcanes in the fields


Q: What is the role of women and children in the sugarcane work?
A: They tie the bundles of sugarcane


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