Q: What was Malala’s concern about her school bag?
Malala was concerned about leaving her school bag behind because it contained all her books and notebooks.
Q: What was the destination of Malala’s family when they left their home?
Malala’s family didn’t have a clear destination when they left their home. They were fleeing the violence in their region and were uncertain if they would ever see their town again.
Q: Who else traveled with Malala’s family in Dr. Afzal’s van?
Malala’s mother, father, grandmother, cousin’s wife and baby, brothers, and Dr. Afzal’s wife and children were all squashed into the back of the van.
Q: How were the streets described during the exodus?
The streets were jam-packed with cars, rickshaws, mule carts, and trucks laden with people and their belongings.
Q: What was the biggest exodus in Pashtun history?
The exodus referred to in the passage, where thousands of people were leaving their homes with just the clothes on their backs, was the biggest exodus in Pashtun history.
Q: How was the journey during the exodus described?
The journey was long and slow, and the roads were heaving with traffic. People were crammed together in cars and everyone was feeling depressed.
Q: Where did the family plan to go after leaving Swat?
The family planned to make their way to Shangla, their family village.
Q: What did the army do when they stopped the family on their way to Shangla?
The army stopped the family and initially told them they couldn’t go further, but eventually let them through after they pleaded and cried.
Q: What did Malala read at the parents’ day and prize-giving ceremony?
Malala read a poem about working hard to achieve your heart’s desires at the parents’ day and prize-giving ceremony.
Q: How did Malala feel about living in Shangla with her family?
Malala was happy to be with her cousins in Shangla, but she missed her books and her home in Mingora. She was also afraid of the army checkpoints and the possibility of being shot.
Q: Where did Malala’s family travel to after leaving Shangla?
Malala’s family traveled to Peshawar after leaving Shangla.
Q: How did Malala feel about her twelfth birthday?
Malala was upset and felt sad about her twelfth birthday. She missed her friends and the celebration she had on her eleventh birthday. She wished for peace in their valley.