Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 6 Computer Exploring the Web Question and Answers

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 09:33 pm


Answer the following questions:


[Q] Define internet.

The term ‘Internet’ stands for International Network. Internet is a vast computer network where millions of computers and connected together throughout the world.


[Q] What are search strings?

Search strings are also called keywords through which we can find information on the internet.


[Q] Give example of some social networking sites.

Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.


[Q] Give examples of some email service providers.

Gmail, Hotmail, yahoo mail etc.


[Q] Give examples of search engines,,, etc.


[Q] Why we use search engines?

We use search engines to search information about the latest events related to politics, sports, weather, etc.


[Q] What are the advantages of email.

Advantages of email

  1. Email is a quick way of sending messages and recipients receive messages within a few seconds.
  2. User can access email from anywhere in the world
  3. Email messages are free of cost
  4. We can attach images or documents with emails
  5. We can easily maintain records of the emails we’ve sent or received
  6. We can easily send the email to many ppl at the same time
  7. With the help of email, we can save paper

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