Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 09:33 pm
Answer the following questions:
[Q] Define internet.
The term ‘Internet’ stands for International Network. Internet is a vast computer network where millions of computers and connected together throughout the world.
[Q] What are search strings?
Search strings are also called keywords through which we can find information on the internet.
[Q] Give example of some social networking sites.
Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.
[Q] Give examples of some email service providers.
Gmail, Hotmail, yahoo mail etc.
[Q] Give examples of search engines,,, etc.
[Q] Why we use search engines?
We use search engines to search information about the latest events related to politics, sports, weather, etc.
[Q] What are the advantages of email.
Advantages of email
- Email is a quick way of sending messages and recipients receive messages within a few seconds.
- User can access email from anywhere in the world
- Email messages are free of cost
- We can attach images or documents with emails
- We can easily maintain records of the emails we’ve sent or received
- We can easily send the email to many ppl at the same time
- With the help of email, we can save paper