Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 8 Science Crop Production and Management Extra Que Ans

Q: Why is loosening of soil important?

A: Loosening soil allows roots to penetrate deep, helps roots breathe easily, promotes growth of earthworms and microbes, and brings nutrient-rich soil to the top.


Q: What is the difference between manure and fertilizers?

A: Manure is an organic substance obtained from decomposition of plant or animal waste, while fertilizers are chemical substances produced in factories that are rich in specific nutrients.


Q: What are the advantages of using manure?

A: Manure enhances water holding capacity of soil, makes soil porous, increases friendly microbes, and improves soil texture.


Q: What is irrigation?

A: Irrigation is the supply of water to crops at regular intervals to maintain soil moisture for healthy crop growth.


Q: What are weeds?

A: Weeds are undesirable plants that grow naturally along with crop plants and compete for water, nutrients, space, and light.


Q: How can weeds be controlled?

A: Weeds can be controlled by tilling before sowing, manual removal using a khurpi, or by using chemical weedicides like 2,4-D.


Q: What is harvesting?

A: Harvesting is cutting of mature crops, usually done manually with a sickle or by using a machine called a harvester.


Q: Why is proper grain storage important?

A: Proper storage protects grains from moisture, insects, rats, and microorganisms. Grains are dried in the sun before storage to prevent spoilage.


Q: What is crop rotation?

A: Crop rotation is growing different crops alternately to replenish soil nutrients. For example, growing legumes in one season and wheat in the next.


Q: What are traditional methods of irrigation?

A: Traditional methods include moat (pulley system), chain pump, dhekli, and rahat (lever system).


Q: What are modern methods of irrigation?

A: Modern methods include sprinkler system and drip system, which help use water more economically.


Q: What is threshing?

    A: Threshing is the process of separating grain seeds from the chaff, often done using a combine machine.


  1. Q: Why should farmers add manure or fertilizers to soil?

A: Continuous cultivation makes soil poor in nutrients, so manure and fertilizers are added to replenish nutrients and ensure healthy plant growth.


Q: What is vermicomposting?

A: Vermicomposting is a method of creating organic manure using earthworms to decompose plant and animal waste.


Q: What is animal husbandry?

A: Animal husbandry is the large-scale rearing of animals, providing them with proper food, shelter, and care to obtain food products.


Q: Why is seed selection important in crop production?

A: Seed selection is crucial to choose high-yield, good quality, clean, and healthy seeds that will produce better crops.


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