Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 8 Science Some Natural Phenomena Worksheet -1

Class 8 Science Some Natural Phenomena Worksheet -1


Section A: Fill in the Blanks

  1. ________ is caused by the accumulation of charges in clouds. 
  2. During a thunderstorm, it is safe to take shelter in a ________. 
  3. ________ is the process of electrical discharge between clouds or between clouds and the earth. 
  4. Earthquakes can cause secondary disasters such as ________ and tsunamis. 
  5. The ________ is the point inside the earth where an earthquake originates. 
  6. When two charged balloons are brought close, they ________ each other. 
  7. The process of separating positive and negative charges in clouds leads to ________. 
  8. During earthquakes, ________ shelves to the walls to prevent them from falling. 
  9. A sudden movement of earth’s plates is responsible for ________. 
  10. ________ is the layer beneath the earth’s crust.


Section B: Multiple Choice Questions


  1. What causes earthquakes?

    (a)  Disturbances deep inside the earth’s crust

    (b)  The shifting of the earth on a bull’s horn

    (c)  Changes in weather patterns

    (d)  Underwater volcanic activity only


  1. What are the fragments of the earth’s outermost layer called?

    (a)  Continents

    (b)  Plates

    (c)  Faults

    (d)  Seismic zones


  1. What scale measures the destructive energy of an earthquake?

    (a)  Celsius scale

    (b)  Richter scale

    (c)  Fahrenheit scale

    (d)  Kelvin scale


  1. Can earthquakes be accurately predicted?

    (a)  Yes

    (b)  No

    (c)  Sometimes

    (d)  Only by experienced seismologists


  1. What is a seismograph used for?

    (a)  Measuring temperature

    (b)  Recording seismic waves

    (c)  Predicting earthquakes

    (d)  Creating artificial earthquakes


  1. What is a safe place to be during a thunderstorm?

    (a)  Under a tall tree

    (b)  In an open field

    (c)  Inside a house or car

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