Class 8 Science Some Natural Phenomena Worksheet -1
Section A: Fill in the Blanks
- ________ is caused by the accumulation of charges in clouds.
- During a thunderstorm, it is safe to take shelter in a ________.
- ________ is the process of electrical discharge between clouds or between clouds and the earth.
- Earthquakes can cause secondary disasters such as ________ and tsunamis.
- The ________ is the point inside the earth where an earthquake originates.
- When two charged balloons are brought close, they ________ each other.
- The process of separating positive and negative charges in clouds leads to ________.
- During earthquakes, ________ shelves to the walls to prevent them from falling.
- A sudden movement of earth’s plates is responsible for ________.
- ________ is the layer beneath the earth’s crust.
Section B: Multiple Choice Questions
- What causes earthquakes?
(a) Disturbances deep inside the earth’s crust
(b) The shifting of the earth on a bull’s horn
(c) Changes in weather patterns
(d) Underwater volcanic activity only
- What are the fragments of the earth’s outermost layer called?
(a) Continents
(b) Plates
(c) Faults
(d) Seismic zones
- What scale measures the destructive energy of an earthquake?
(a) Celsius scale
(b) Richter scale
(c) Fahrenheit scale
(d) Kelvin scale
- Can earthquakes be accurately predicted?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Sometimes
(d) Only by experienced seismologists
- What is a seismograph used for?
(a) Measuring temperature
(b) Recording seismic waves
(c) Predicting earthquakes
(d) Creating artificial earthquakes
- What is a safe place to be during a thunderstorm?
(a) Under a tall tree
(b) In an open field
(c) Inside a house or car