Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 3 Science Cleanliness Health and Hygiene

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 11:56 pm

Cleanliness Health and Hygiene Class 3

Cleanliness Health and Hygiene Class 3 Question and Answers by online-shiksha

State True or False 

  1. After every meal, we should wash our hands.
  2. Fruit and vegetable peels are not biodegradable.
  3. Compost is made from wet garbage.
  4. Our bodies need enough sleep to recharge.
  5. Dirty surroundings can cause diseases
  6. Cutting down trees is useful.


Answer the following questions?


  • How should we look after our nails?
  • It is important to regularly cut our nails and to clean them.


  • What should we do if something enters our eye? 
  • Do not rub your eyes if something gets into your eyes. Instead, wash it by using an eye cup or gently splashing clean water into your eyes.


  • How can we prevent the formation of cavities in our teeth?
  • If we do not clean our teeth, the food stuck in our teeth will rot and create cavities.


  • What diseases can we get if our surroundings are dirty?
  • If our surroundings are dirty, then diseases such as Cholera, malaria, and dengue will spread.


  • What is hygiene? What do you understand about personal hygiene ?
  • The practice of hygiene helps to maintain good health and prevent the spread of disease. A major part of hygiene is cleanliness. 


  • Why should we have a bath everyday?
  • To keep our bodies clean, we should take a bath every day. The bath removes dirt from the skin, and we feel fresh. It will also cure skin diseases.


  •  How do plastic bags harm the environment?
  • The surroundings were also dirty due to the plastic bags. The clogging of drains and gutters by plastic bags results in stagnant water which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. 


write a short note on how we can take care of our body?

There are some ways to maintain a healthy body.

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Fruits and vegetables should be eaten.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; never skip it


  • What is biodegradable waste?
  • Wastes that can be destroyed naturally are called biodegradable waste. example fruit and vegetable peel dry leaves etc.


  • What is non biodegradable waste?
  • Wastes  that cannot be destroyed naturally are called non biodegradable waste.



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