GSEB Class 8 English Points of View
Q- What is the main concern addressed in the newspaper article “Chaos Reigns as Traffic Rules are Ignored”?
The chaotic traffic situation in Jalandhar streets.
Q- When did the Municipal Corporation of Jalandhar pass orders banning parking along the trijunction?
In 2006.
Q- What solution did the Municipal Corporation propose to address the parking issue?
Constructing a new parking zone.
Q- Who is primarily blamed for the lack of proper implementation of the parking ban?
The traffic police.
Q- How did the Municipal Corporation acquire land for the parking zone?
Taken over from the Nehru Garden area.
Q- What did The Tribune observe when they visited the designated parking area?
Limited usage, mostly by corporation employees.
Q- According to a passing student, what is the main issue with the parking charges?
Authorities charge too much for short durations.
Q- How would you describe the vehicular flow in Rainak Bazaar and Dilkhusha Market?
A nightmare for shoppers.