Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

History of Computer for Class 4

John Napier invented a manually operated calculating device, known as Napier’s bones, in 1617. It consisted of eleven rectangular rods marked with numbers. Multiplication was done with these rods. In the future, an improved version of this device was developed for dividing numbers and finding their square roots.


 Fill in the blanks

…………engine was invented by Babbage. [analytical]

……………were used to count large numbers and to perform arithmetic calculations in early times. [abacus]

In ……. numbers were entered by moving dials clockwise. [ Pascaline,]

Punch cards were pieces of paper used to store ………. [information]

The analytical engine was based on the concept of…………… [IPO]

First personal computer to feature a color monitor was ……… [Apple II]

The first electromechanical computer was the ……. [Mark 1]

The first mechanical calculating device is ………. [abacus]



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