Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Icse class 6 biology the cell question answer

Last updated on August 30th, 2023 at 10:28 pm

A cell is the smallest unit of life which performs a specific function and has a definite structure.

What substances can enter and exit a cell through the cell membrane?

The dissolved substances such as food and oxygen can enter into the cell, whereas the waste products such as carbon dioxide can go out from the cell through the pores of the cell membrane.


What is the function of the nucleus in a cell?

The nucleus controls all the activities of the cell.


What are organelles?

Organelles are tiny structures present in the cytoplasm of a cell.


What are the two types of endoplasmic reticulum and how are they distinguished?

The two types of endoplasmic reticulum are smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum, which are distinguished by the absence or presence of ribosomes on their surface.


What is the function of mitochondria in a cell?

Mitochondria provide energy for all the activities of the cell.


What are centrosomes and what do they consist of?

Centrosomes consist of two minute granules called centrioles.


What are dictyosomes and in which type of cell are they found?

Dictyosomes are a simpler unit of the golgi apparatus and are found in plant cells.


What is the function of the cell membrane?

The cell membrane separates the cell from its surrounding medium and also separates the cells from one another.


What is the function of the cell wall in a plant cell?

The cell wall gives shape and support to the plant cell and is absent in animal cells.


What is cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is a transparent jelly-like material which fills the cell between the nucleus and cell membrane.


What are lysosomes and what is their function?

Lysosomes are a kind of garbage disposal system of a cell, responsible for breaking down and digesting waste materials.


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Icse class 6 biology the cell question answer

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