Last updated on October 17th, 2023 at 08:05 pm
(c) What message did Shivaji send to Adilshah ?
(c) Shivaji sent a message to Adilshah stating, “I have taken possession of the fort for better administration of the countryside, and we did this only in the interest of the Sultan with no evil design behind it.”
Give reasons
(a) Shivaji selected the fort of Torana to lay the foundation of Swaraj.
(a) Shivaji selected the fort of Torana to lay the foundation of Swaraj because it was strategically located, offering significant defense capabilities and control over the surrounding territory, which was essential for achieving Swaraj. Additionally, the fort was neglected by Adilshah, lacking sufficient troops and ammunition, making it a prime target for capture.
(b) The workers brought the pots of mohurs discovered on the fort of Torana to Shivaji.
(b) The workers brought the pots of mohurs discovered on the fort of Torana to Shivaji because they considered it a gift from the Goddess Bhavani, who had blessed his efforts. Furthermore, the treasure was seen as the wealth of Swaraj, and there was a commitment to utilizing it for the cause rather than personal gain, reflecting the collective dedication to Shivaji’s vision of Hindavi Swaraj.