Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 11:39 pm
Ms. Paint Questions and Answers for Class 2
Ms Paint Questions and Answers | Computer Worksheet for all the students to prepare for their final exams and competitions.
Fill in the blanks:
- The drawing area is also called the ……[canvas]
- To close the paint program, we can also use the ………… button.[cross]
- The extension for MSPaint file is ………………. [.bmp]
- ………… tool is helpful to enlarge images.[magnifier]
Short Questions Answer on Ms. Paint.
In MS Paint, what is the Default Background color?
White is the default background color.
In MS Paint, what is the default foreground color?
Black is the default foreground color.
In which tab of MS Paint do you find the Magnifier, Eraser, and Fill Color tools?
In the Toolbox tab.
In MS Paint, how do you spray colors?
In MS Paint, which tool is used to draw a circle?
An oval shape is used to draw a circle.
How do you write a name in MS Paint?
The text tool is used to write a name in paint.
What did we call the area where we could draw shapes and pictures?
Drawing area/canvas
What is the tool in MS Paint that is used for Zooming a part of a Drawing?
The magnifier tool is helpful for enlarging images.
How do you move the page up and down in MS Paint?
Vertical Scroll bar
What tool is used to give shapes color?
Fill Color
To draw a free-form line, which tool is used?