Last updated on August 30th, 2023 at 10:40 pm
(a) flower
(b) fruit
(c) stem
(d) root
Read each set of terms and identify the odd set
(a) Cow, milk, butter
(b) Hen, meat, egg
(c) Goat, milk, meat
(d) Plant, vegetable, butter milk
Short Answer Type Questions
Read the clues and fill up the blanks given below each of them.
(a) Honeybees suck from flower.
N_ _T_R – Nectar
(b) Animals which eat other animals.
_A _N_V_R_S – Carnivores
(c) Animals which eat only plants and plant products.
HE_B_ _ _ _ E_ – Herbivores
(d) Animals which eat both plants and animals.
_MN I_O_ _ _ – Omnivores
Why do boiled seeds fail to sprout?
Sprouting is impossible with boiled seeds since boiling kills the seed.
Where do bees store honey?
The bees store their honey in beehives.
Name two ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants or animals. Mention one source for each ingredient.
In our food, we find two ingredients that originate from neither plants nor animals i.e. salt and water. Both rock and sea water are sources of salt. Water comes from rivers, wells, tube wells, and rain.
Given below are jumbled words which are names of parts of a plant. Rearrange them to get the correct words.
(a) LILCHI – Chilli
(b) ITRUF – Fruit
(c) SEANBOYA – Soyabean
(d) GURSA – Sugar
(e) ROUNDGUNT – Groundnut
Food Where Does It Come from Class 6 Questions and Answers | Online Shiksha (