Last updated on July 6th, 2023 at 08:42 pm
Roman Numbers Worksheet
[1] Convert the following Roman numerals to Hindu-Arabic numerals:
- a) III
- b) IX
- c) XXV
- f) XCIII
- g) CXCIV
[2] Convert the following Hindu-Arabic numerals to Roman numerals:
- a) 12
- b) 39
- c) 77
- d) 105
- e) 149
- f) 251
- g) 399
[3] Rewrite the following Roman numerals in their subtractive form:
- a) IV
- b) IX
- c) XL
- d) XC
- e) CD
- f) CM
[4] Rewrite the following Roman numerals in their additive form:
- a) VI
- b) XI
- c) XXX
- d) LXX
- e) CCC
- f) DCC