Science Olympiad Practice Questions for Grade 3

Science Olympiad Practice Questions for Grade 3,science olympiad questions for national science olympiad for grade 3 kids

Created on By savisanjeev24

Science Olympiad Practice Questions for Grade 3

Science Olympiad Practice Questions for Grade 3

1 / 15

Wet clothes dry faster on a _______.

2 / 15

Read the given statement.
'X' is the only organ system which comprises of a different set of organs in male and female individuals.
Which of the following is X?

3 / 15

Lizard is an example of group X and frog is an example of group Y. What is the common
feature of the animals of groups X and Y?

4 / 15

Milk is a rich source of ________.

5 / 15

Which among these would be the best material to use, while making the handle of a
tea kettle?

6 / 15

Read the given statements regarding first aid tips and select the inc orrect
(1) If a person is bleeding severely, tie loosely a bandage around the wound.
(2) If a person faints, do not crowd him.
(3) If a person gets burnt, put the burnt part under the cold water.
(4) In a case of cuts or small wounds, wipe them clean and apply antiseptic lotion over

7 / 15

Which of these will take least time to get dry?

8 / 15

When the Earth is seen from outer space, it looks mainly blue. This is because most of the Earth is covered with ____.

9 / 15

The final place of digestion is…?

10 / 15

How many teeth does a adult human being have?

11 / 15

It is known as head of the body. It helps us to see, hear and think. What is it?

12 / 15

In humans, deficiency of which of the following vitamins shows the symptom given below?
The bones become soft and bend

13 / 15

The correct order of food movement in the digestive system after it is swallowed?

14 / 15

"Study of the skin " is known as..............

15 / 15

Lungs are helpful in removing which gas from the Human Body ?

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