If you are looking for TN Board Class 7 Geography Unit 3 Population and Settlement then you are at the right place. Here we are providing solutions as well as additional QA / Important Notes.
Choose the correct answer.
Caucasoid race is also known as __________race
- European
- Negroid
- Mangoloid
- Australoid
_________ Race is Known as Asian – American Race
- Caucasoid
- Negroid
- Mongoloid
- Australoid
World population day __________
- September 1
- June 11
- July 11
- December 2
Rural settlements are located near ___________
- Water bodies
- Hilly areas
- coastal areas
- desert areas
Arrange the following in terms of size
1) City 2) Megalopolis 3) Metropolis 4) Conurbation
- 4,1,3,2
- 1,3,4,2
- 2,1,3,4
- 3,1,2,4
Fill in the blanks
- The Bushmen is found mainly in ___________ desert of South Africa.[Kalahari]
- Lingustic stock is a group of ___________ family sharing features and its origin.[Language]
- In __________ settlements, where most of the people are engaged in secondary and tertiary activities.[Urban]
- __________ towns are generally located outside the rural Urban fringe.[Satelite]
- __________Settlement Come up around a place of Worship.[Pilgrim]
Match the following
- Caucasoid – Asian
- Negroid – Australia
- Mongoloid – European
- Australoid – African
- Caucasoid – European
- Negroid – African
- Mongoloid – Asian
- Australoid – Australia
Match the following
- Sutlej-Ganga plain – Dispersed settlement
- Nilgris – Star like pattern
- South India – Rectangular pattern
- Seacoast – Compact settlement
- Haryana – Circular settlement
- Sutlej-Ganga plain – Compact settlement
- Nilgiris – Star like pattern
- South India – Rectangular pattern
- Seacoast – Circular settlement
- Haryana – Dispersed settlement
Consider the following statement and (√) Tick the appropriate answer
Assertion (A): There are numerous languages spoken in the world
Reason (R): The linguistic diversity in the world is vast.
- A and R are correct and R explains A.
- A and R are correct but R does not explain A.
- A is incorrect but R is correct.
- Both A and R are incorrect.
Assertion A: Palani Hills in Tamil Nadu is an example for pilgrim settlement
Reason (R): Iron and steel industry is located there
- R is the correct explanation of A
- R is not the correct explanation of A
- A is wrong and R is correct A
- A is correct R is wrong
Circle the odd one out
- Fishing, lumbering, agriculture, banking
- Himalayas, Alps, Rocky, Ganga
- Chennai, Madurai, Tirunelveli,Kanchipuram
Answer the following.
What are the classification of Races?
Classification of Races: The major classifications are Caucasoid (European), Negroid (African), Mongoloid (Asian), and Australoid (Australian/Asian).
What is language?
Language: Language is a system of communication used by humans, either spoken or written, consisting of structured sets of sounds or symbols.
Define settlement.
Settlement is a place where people live and interact, typically characterized by specific patterns of dwelling and economic activities.
On what basis Urban settlements are classified?
Urban settlements are classified based on size of population, occupational structure, and administrative criteria.