Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 8 Civics Unit 2 Citizens and citizenships


  1. Name the types of citizens.

The types of citizens are Natural citizens (by birth) and Naturalised citizens (those who acquire citizenship through various means).


  1. What are the Rights that a citizen can enjoy in our country?

A citizen can enjoy Fundamental Rights, the right to vote in elections, the right to hold certain public offices, and the right to become a Member of Parliament or State Legislature.


  1. Mention any three qualities of a good citizen.

Loyalty to the Constitution, obeying laws, and contributing to society and community are three qualities of a good citizen.


  1. Name the five ways of acquiring citizenship.

The five ways of acquiring citizenship are by birth, descent, registration, naturalisation, and incorporation of territory.


  1. What do you know about the citizenship Act of 1955?

The Citizenship Act of 1955 provides the legal framework for acquiring and losing Indian citizenship, outlining specific criteria and procedures for birth, descent, registration, naturalisation, and incorporation of territory.

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