Whole Numbers
The whole numbers are the counting numbers including zero. They are a part of real numbers that do not include fractions, decimals, or negative numbers. Counting numbers are also considered as whole numbers.
The set of whole numbers is denoted by the symbol W: W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …}
The smallest whole number is 0. The first 100 whole numbers are 0 to 99.
Q1. Identifying Whole Numbers:
Write whether each of the following numbers is a whole number or not.
a) 25.6: ________________
b) -10: ________________
c) 0: ________________
d) 7: ________________
e) -3.2: ________________
Q2. Number Ordering:
Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.
17, -5, 0, 9, -2, 13
Q3. Prime or Composite:
Identify whether the following numbers are prime or composite.
a) 7: ________________
b) 12: ________________
c) 19: ________________
d) 4: ________________
Q1- a) Not a whole number, b) Whole number, c) Whole number, d) Whole number, e) Not a whole number
Q2 -5, -2, 0, 9, 13, 17