Class 8 Computer Movie Editing with Openshot
Q- Name the software used for video editing.
The software used for video editing is OpenShot Video Editor.
Q- Who has released the openshot video editor?
OpenShot Video Editor was released by Jonathan Thomas.
Q- In which year openshot was launched?
OpenShot was launched in August 2008.
Q- Which interface has the button to play, pause, rewind and fast forward?
The interface with the button to play, pause, rewind, and fast forward is the Video Preview window.
Q- Which interface has the various menu options?
The interface with the various menu options is the Menu bar.
Q- Who allows the user to adjust the timescale of the video timeline?
The Zoom slider allows the user to adjust the timescale of the video timeline.
Q- What is the keyboard shortcut to create a new file?
The keyboard shortcut to create a new file is Ctrl+N.
Q- What is the extension of openshot video editor?
The extension of OpenShot Video Editor files is .osp.
Q- What is the keyboard shortcut for importing files?
The keyboard shortcut for importing files is Ctrl+F.