Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

MCQ on First World War and Russian Revolution Class 9 GSEB

If you are looking for MCQ on First World War and Russian Revolution Class 9 GSEB , then you are at the right place.


1. What event is known as “Bloody Sunday”?
A) The signing of the Treaty of Versailles
B) A mass rally where Czar’s army opened fire on unarmed citizens
C) The start of the First World War
D) The Russian Revolution of 1917
Answer: B


2. Which country did not join the League of Nations?
A) France
B) Germany
C) America
D) Britain
Answer: C


3. What was the primary aim of the League of Nations?
A) Promote colonialism
B) Maintain international peace and security
C) Expand military power of nations
D) Encourage competition among nations
Answer: B


4. Which of the following was NOT one of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points?
A) Selfdetermination for nations
B) Free trade
C) Expansion of empires
D) League of Nations
Answer: C


5. Who led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia?
A) Father Gapon
B) Leon Trotsky
C) Karl Marx
D) Vladimir Lenin
Answer: D


6. What characterized the Czardom before the Russian Revolution?
A) Democratic governance
B) Freedom of speech
C) Oppressive rule without citizen rights
D) Economic prosperity for all
Answer: C


7. What was one immediate effect of the First World War?
A) Economic boom
B) Destruction of men and materials
C) Establishment of new colonies
D) Decrease in women’s employment
Answer: B


8. What treaty officially ended the First World War?
A) Treaty of Paris
B) Treaty of Versailles
C) Treaty of London
D) Treaty of BrestLitovsk
Answer: B


9. Why did the U.S. join the Allied Nations in 1917?
A) Economic interests
B) Attack on Pearl Harbor
C) Sinking of the Lusitania
D) Invitation by Britain
Answer: C


10. What major global conflict directly led to the Russian Revolution?
A) The Opium Wars
B) The Second Balkan War
C) The First World War
D) The FrancoPrussian War
Answer: C


11. Which of the following was an effect of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany?
A) Economic expansion
B) Loss of territory and war reparations
C) Increase in military strength
D) Establishment of a democratic government
Answer: B


12. In what year did the Russian Revolution occur?
A) 1905
B) 1917
C) 1920
D) 1945
Answer: B


13. Which event led to heightened nationalism and competition among European nations prior to WWI?
A) Industrial Revolution
B) Colonial expansion
C) Economic depression
D) All of the above
Answer: D


14. Who were known as Mensheviks?
A) Supporters of Lenin
B) A minor faction favoring a democratic approach
C) Czar supporters
D) None of the above
Answer: B


15. What role did newspapers play in the lead-up to the First World War?
A) They promoted peace negotiations.
B) They fostered hatred and hostility among nations.
C) They reported factual information.
D) They encouraged military alliances.
Answer: B


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