Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

CG Board Class 6 Science Unit 2 Our Environment

Class 6 Science Unit 2 Our Environment


  1. Using the living organism mentioned make at least three food chains:

Grass, lion, cow, small fish, wolf, fox, peacock, vulture, kite, crow, frog, beetles, zooplanktons, big fish, crane, snake, mongoose, algae, green plants.


Algae → Small fish → Big fish → Kite

Green plants → Cow → Lion

Grass → Beetle → Frog → Snake → Mongoose


Complete the food chain:

  • Green grass ® ……. ® Peacock
  • Plants ® Rabbit ® ………
  • Algae ® ………. ® Crane


  • Green grass → Cow → Peacock
  • Plants → Rabbit → Fox
  • Algae → Small fish → Crane


Answer the following questions:

[1] What is an environment?

An environment is everything that surrounds us. It includes both living things (like plants and animals) and non-living things (like air, water, and soil). All these things together make up our environment.


[2] What is the difference between producers and consumers?

Producers are living things that can make their own food, like green plants. They use sunlight, water, and air to produce food. Consumers can’t make their own food. They have to eat other living things to get energy. Animals are consumers because they eat plants or other animals.


[3] Living and non-living components of environments are dependent on each other.Explain.

Living things need non-living things to survive. For example, plants need soil, water, and air to grow. Animals need air to breathe and water to drink. At the same time, living things affect non-living things. Plants release oxygen into the air, and when living things die, they become part of the soil. This shows how living and non-living things depend on each other.


[4] What do you understand by a food chain?

A food chain shows how energy moves from one living thing to another in nature. It starts with a producer (usually a plant) that makes its own food. Then it shows which animal eats that plant, and which animal might eat that animal, and so on. For example: Grass → Rabbit → Fox. This chain shows that grass is eaten by rabbits, which are then eaten by foxes.


[5] What happens if there is scanty of rainfall?

If there isn’t enough rain (scanty rainfall), many problems can happen:

  • The soil becomes dry
  • Plants might die because they don’t have enough water
  • Water levels in ponds and wells go down
  • There might not be enough water for people and animals to drink
  • Farmers might have trouble growing crops
  • This situation can lead to a drought, which can cause food shortages and other serious problems for both people and animals.


Explain briefly:

Air pollution

This happens when harmful substances like smoke, dust, or gases make the air dirty. It can come from car exhaust, factories, or burning garbage. Breathing polluted air can make people and animals sick.


Water pollution

This occurs when harmful things like chemicals, trash, or sewage get into water sources like rivers, lakes, or oceans. It makes the water unsafe to drink and can harm fish and other water animals.

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