Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Quiz on Computer Quiz – Set 2

Last updated on December 9th, 2023 at 10:19 pm

Computer Quiz – Set 2

Computer Quiz – Quiz 2 – This Quiz Consists of 20 Questions with answers solve this quiz to check your knowledge.


[1] The MU stands for the memory unit.

  •     True
  •     False


[2] Any object on a computer screen can be selected, moved, and pointed with a …………

  •     keyboard
  •     None of these
  •     mouse
  •     joystick


[3] After processing the data, the computer displays the ………

  •     Result
  •     None of these
  •     Input
  •     Output


[4] Computers work with ……………. and data.

  •     instructions
  •     None of these
  •     keywords
  •     Both of these


[5] Computers are able to store a……….. amount of information.

  •     limited
  •     large
  •     small
  •     None of these


[6] Printouts that are printed on paper are known as ………… copies.

  •     Both
  •     Hard
  •     Soft
  •     None


[7] ……………. is another name for a monitor.

  •     None of these
  •     VUD
  •     VDU
  •     ALU


[8] Which of the following monitor consume more power ?

  •     CRT
  •     None of these
  •     LCD
  •     LED


[9] The ……….. performs all calculations and displays the results on the monitor.

  •     CU
  •     MU
  •     CPU
  •     None of these


[10] All parts of a computer system are controlled by the ……………..

  •     MU
  •     ALU
  •     None of these
  •     CU


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