Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Articles Class 5 Worksheet

Last updated on August 28th, 2023 at 09:49 pm

Original sentence: ________________________________

Corrected sentence: _______________________________


Answer Key


Answers for the English Grammar Articles Worksheet for Class 5 Students:

  1. An
  2. The
  3. The
  4. The
  5. An
  6. An
  7. No article
  8. The
  9. An
  10. A
  11. An
  12. The

Corrected sentences for the rewriting exercise:

The moon is shining brightly tonight.

She wants to become an astronaut.

We visited the museum of natural history.

He has an appointment with the doctor at 3:00 PM.


[c] Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct article (a, an, or the) where necessary.

My friend has ___________ old dog that loves to chase squirrels.

___________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

___________ United States of America is a large country.

She bought ___________ umbrella to protect herself from the rain.

My sister is ___________ excellent student who always gets good grades.

We went to ___________ beach last weekend and had a great time.

There is ___________ elephant in the zoo that loves to spray water on people.

He gave me ___________ advice on how to fix my bike.

___________ English language is spoken in many countries around the world.

My brother is learning to play ___________ guitar and is getting better every day.









Some cases may use “an”, but “some” is a better choice in this context



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