Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Category: Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Historic Period

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Historic Period Textbook Exercises and Extra Question and Answers.   Answer each of the following questions in one sentence.   (a) Where did the people in the New Stone Age establish their village settlements? (a) People in the New Stone Age established their village-settlements on the banks of various […]

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Beginning of Settled Life

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Beginning of Settled Life Textbook Exercises and Extra Question and Answers.   Fill in the blanks. (a) Archaeological evidence shows that, agriculture first began about 11,000 years ago in Israel and ——– . (Iran, Iraq, Dubai) (b) The houses at the beginning of the New Stone Age were made […]

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Stone Age Stone Tools

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Stone Age Stone Tools Textbook Exercises and Extra Question and Answers.   Fill in the blanks. (a) That period, of which the tools that we find are mainly made from stone, is called the …………….. .(Copper Age, Iron Age, Stone Age) (b) ………….. near Nashik is a well-known Old […]

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Evolution of Mankind

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Evolution of Mankind Textbook Exercises and Extra Question and Answers. Fill in the blanks. (a) Homo is a Latin word which means —————- .[MAN] (b) The Neanderthals primarily lived in —————- .[CAVES]   Answer each question in one sentence. (a) Who is said to have first made tools like […]

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Evolution

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Evolution Textbook Exercises and Extra Question and Answers.   Fill in the blanks. (a) The first systematic explanation of the concept of evolution was given by —————–. (Charles Darwin, Willard Libby,Louis Leakey) (b) ————- are the most evolved animals among vertebrates. (Aquatic animals, Amphibians,Mammals)   Answer each question in one […]

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Life on Earth

  Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Life on Earth Textbook Exercises and Extra Question and Answers.   Answer each question in one sentence. (a) What instrument do we need to see a unicellular organism? (a) We need a microscope to see a unicellular organism.   (b) Where did the protozoa appear first? (b) Protozoa first […]

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