Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Chhattisgarh Board Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Solution

Last updated on February 9th, 2024 at 04:34 pm

Q: Make a list of food items which are preserved in salt in your and your neighbour’s houses.
A: Food items preserved in salt can include pickles, salted fish, and preserved meats.


Q: Which insecticide is used on grains and vegetables safeguard against insects in your area? In the same way what is added to the grain in your house to preserve it.
A: Commonly used chemicals include DDT or BHC for protecting crops from insects.


Q: It is observed that many people do not take balanced diet. What could be the possible reasons for it? What will you advice them to do ?
A: Limited access to a variety of foods, economic problems, and low knowledge about nutrition can all be reasons for not eating a balanced diet. To resolve this issue, people should be educated about the importance of a balanced diet and promote the availability of safe and nutritious foods.


Q: Clean, clear water is always safe for drinking. Write your comments.
A: Clean, clear water is generally safe to drink, but invisible pathogens and contaminants may still be in it. Purifying and disinfecting water is essential to ensure safe drinking water.


Q: What are the various methods adopted to make water potable?
A: Water can be made potable by chlorination, boiling, and using candle-type filters. Municipal water treatment facilities also treat water before it is supplied to homes. These methods free the water from impurities and microorganisms, therefore making it safe for consumption.

CG Board Class 8 Science How much Food what type of food

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