Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Chhattisgarh Board Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Solution

Last updated on February 9th, 2024 at 04:32 pm


Q: What do you understand by Tidal energy?
A: Tidal energy is the energy harnessed from the rise and fall of tides in the sea, usually by using dams and turbines.


Q: What is Nuclear energy?
A: Nuclear energy is produced through nuclear fission, where heavy atoms like uranium are split into smaller atoms, releasing a large amount of energy.


Q: What material is used in a Thermoelectric plant to produce electricity?
A: Thermoelectric plants use boilers to heat water by burning coal, which then produces steam to turn turbines and generate electricity.


Q: What are the main products of petroleum?
A: The main products of petroleum are petrol (gasoline), diesel, kerosene, and petroleum gas (LPG).


Q: What is the other name for cooking gas ? What are its constituents ?
A: Cooking gas is also known as LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) and mainly contains butane, along with propane and ethane.


Q: Bio-gas is a mixture of which gases?
A: Bio-gas is a mixture of gases, including methane and carbon dioxide, produced from the anaerobic decomposition of organic material like cow dung.


Q: Why is the solar cooker box painted black?
A: The solar cooker box is painted black to absorb and retain heat more effectively.


Q: In the solar water heater, energy is transformed into which form?
A: In a solar water heater, solar energy is transformed into heat energy.


Q: What is the solar cell made of?
A: Solar cells are made of silicon materials.


4. Why are the pipes of solar water heater made up of copper ?
A: The pipes of solar water heaters are made of copper because copper is a good conductor of heat and helps transfer the heat efficiently to the water.


Q: What can you do to conserve or save electrical energy in your homes?
A: To conserve electrical energy in your homes, you can use energy-efficient appliances, turn off lights and devices when not in use, and properly insulate your home.


Q: Biodiesel is obtained from which plant?
A: Biodiesel is obtained from the Ratanjot plant.


Q: In future, from which other sources can we obtain energy?
A: In the future, we can obtain energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar, and tidal energy to reduce dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels.


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