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By Savita S. More

Class 3 Chapter 2 The story of Rudolph Solutions

Last updated on April 25th, 2023 at 11:30 pm

Class 3 Chapter 2 The story of Rudolph Solutions


Class 3 Chapter 2 The story of Rudolph Solutions | New Pathway Class 3 English | extra questions answers for the students of class 3 students.


Reading 1


  • How was Rudolph different from the other reindeer in the world?
  • Rudolph had a big, bright red nose that is different from other reindeer.


  • For what purpose was Santa Claus choosing a team?
  • Santa Clause was choosing a team to do so that the team would be able to deliver presents to every good little boy and girl in the world on the day of Christmas.


State True or false

  1. Prancer, Dasher, and Donder were the names of a few other reindeer in Toyland. [true]
  2. Rudolph’s antlers were tiny because he was very young. [true]
  3. Santa Claus chose a dancer because he could dance well. [false]
  4. When the reindeer were happy they rubbed their feet together.[false]
  5. Santa Claus could not see very well because of terrible fog.[true]


Tick the right reason [ choose one or more]


Rudolph hid behind the holly hedge because
  • He was playing hide and seek.
  • The leaves and berries of the holly bush hid him and his nose.
  • He did not want Santa to see his bright red nose.


After the selections were done, the reindeer were happy because
  • Many of them were in Santa’s team
  • Even the reindeer who were not selected for interesting jobs.
  • Rudolph was not selected.


On Christmas eve the elves kept bumping into each other because
  • They were tired
  • They could not see very well in the fog.
  • They were getting late.


Match the names of the reindeer with the quality

Dasher      The Biggest
Dancer The Fastest
Comet   The Most Sure-Footed
Cupid The Shyest
Donder The Smoothest in Landing
Rudolph The Strongest


Answers :-

  1. Dasher – The biggest
  2. Dancer – The strongest
  3. Comet – The fastest
  4. Cupid – The most sure footed
  5. Donder – The smoothest in Landing
  6. Rodolph – The shyest


Additional Question:-


Q: Why Rudolph was sad?

A: Rudolph was sad because it was Christmas Eve and he was afraid that, because of his shiny nose, he would never be chosen to pull Santa’s sleigh.


Q: Where does Rudolph live?

A: Rudolph lived in Toyland in north pole.


Q: Who is the biggest reindeer?

A: Dasher


Q:Who is the strongest reindeer?



Q: Why were all the reindeer happy?

A: All the reindeers were happy because many of the reindeer were chosen by Santa and those who are not chosen give interesting jobs by Santa.


Q: Who makes the smoothest landings on a rooftop?

A: Prance and vixen make the smoothest landings on the rooftop.


Q: Who are best at turning over treetops and landing smoothly?

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