Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 4 English The Helpful Trees

The birch, oak, and willow trees lost their leaves because they did not show kindness to the little bird. True

The spruce, pine, and juniper trees’ leaves remained green because they were spared by the Frost King for their kindness. True


Who said to Whom


“My wing is broken and my friends have flown away. Will you give me shelter till my friends come back?”
The little bird said this to the birch tree.


“That is a very long time. How do I know what you might do in all that time? You might even eat up some of my acorns.”
The oak tree said to the little bird’s .


“I do not know you, and we will never talk to strangers. Go away and find a tree that may take in a strange bird. Leave at once.”
The willow tree said this to the little bird


“Little bird, where are you going?”
The spruce tree said this to the little bird .


“Come right here then. You can live on my warmest branch all winter if you want.”
The spruce tree said this to the little bird.


“I can keep the North Wind from you and the spruce.”
The pine tree said this.


“I can give you berries all winter long.”
The juniper tree said  to the little bird.


Answer the following questions

Q: Why did the little bird stay in the forest?
A: The little bird stayed in the forest because it had broken its wing and couldn’t fly away with the other birds to the South where it would be warm.


Q: Why did the birch, oak, and willow trees refuse to help the little bird?
A: The birch, oak, and willow trees refused to help the little bird because they were not willing to offer shelter or assistance to a stranger.


Q: Which trees showed kindness to the little bird?
A: The spruce, pine, and juniper trees showed kindness to the little bird and offered it shelter, protection from the cold North Wind, and berries to eat.


Q: Why did the leaves of the spruce, pine, and juniper trees remain green?
A: The leaves of the spruce, pine, and juniper trees remained green because the Frost King spared them from the touch of the North Wind, as they had shown kindness to the little bird.


Q: What lesson can be learned from the story?
A: The story teaches the importance of kindness and compassion towards others, even strangers in need. It also highlights the idea that one’s actions can have consequences, as the trees that refused to help the little bird lost their leaves while the kind trees remained evergreen.


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