Class 4 EVS Chapter 15 From Market to Home
Class 4 EVS Chapter 15 From Market to Home Fill in the blanks , True false and Extra question answers.
Fill in the Blanks
1. Vaishali’s father is a __________. (vegetable-seller)
2. Their work starts at __________ in the morning. (3 o’clock)
3. The family brings fresh vegetables from the __________. (mandi)
4. Babuji sells the __________ vegetables first. (previous day’s)
5. By __________, Babuji arranges vegetables on the cart and leaves for the bazaar. (7 o’clock)
6. Vaishali has to reach school by __________. (7:30 a.m.)
7. Chhotu attends school in the __________. (afternoon)
8. Bhaiya sprinkles __________ on vegetables to keep them fresh. (water)
9. Babuji and Bhaiya return home at __________ at night. (10 o’clock)
10. The family wakes up again at __________ the next morning. (3 o’clock)
True or False
1. Vaishali’s family wakes up at 5 a.m. to start work. (False)
2. The family brings vegetables from a factory. (False)
3. Vaishali helps her family with sorting vegetables. (True)
4. Chhotu does not help his family at all. (False)
5. Babuji leaves late for the bazaar to get more customers. (False)
6. Vaishali’s house looks like a vegetable market in the morning. (True)
7. The vegetables are sorted quickly to reach the market early. (True)
8. Bhaiya sprinkles sugar on vegetables to make them fresh. (False)
9. The family gets a lot of rest during the day. (False)
10. Vaishali and Chhotu sleep before Babuji and Bhaiya return home. (True)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. What is Vaishali’s father’s profession?
a) Doctor
b) Teacher
c) Vegetable-seller ✅
d) Carpenter
2. When does the family start working?
a) 5 a.m.
b) 3 a.m. ✅
c) 6 a.m.
d) 8 a.m.
3. Where do they get fresh vegetables from?
a) Market
b) Factory
c) Mandi ✅
d) Garden
4. Why does Babuji sell the previous day’s vegetables first?
a) Because they are fresher
b) To avoid wastage ✅
c) To make more profit
d) Because they look better
5. What does Bhaiya sprinkle on vegetables?
a) Water ✅
b) Sugar
c) Salt
d) Oil
6. When does Vaishali leave for school?
a) 6:00 a.m.
b) 7:30 a.m. ✅
c) 8:00 a.m.
d) 9:00 a.m.
7. What does Chhotu do in the afternoon?
a) Goes to play
b) Attends school ✅
c) Sleeps all day
d) Goes to the mandi