Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 4 EVS Internal Organs

If you’re seeking for Class 4 EVS Internal Organs Que Ans , you’ve come to the right place. Here are some Que Ans based on the chapter, along with their answers:


The brain is protected by the ________.Answer: skull
The stomach is a muscular, elastic, ________ shaped bag under the ribs.Answer: pear
The heart beats about ________ times in a minute.Answer: 72
________ appear red in color and carry pure blood that contains nutrients and oxygen.Answer: Arteries
The liver is the largest ________ in the body.Answer: gland
Lungs are pair of spongy, ________ shaped structures located in the chest.Answer: cone
The process of gas exchange takes place in the ________.Answer: lungs
Kidneys are two ________ shaped organs in our body.Answer: bean
The small intestine is about ________ feet long.Answer: 20
The large intestine is about ________ feet long and about 3 inches in diameter.Answer: 5
The brain controls functions such as breathing, digestion, muscles control, emotions, and ________.Answer: heartbeat
The ________ secretes gastric juices which help in the digestion of food.Answer: stomach
________ appear blue in color and carry waste material and carbon dioxide.Answer: Veins
The heart has four chambers: right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, and ________.Answer: left ventricle
The large intestine absorbs ________ from wastes and creates stool.Answer: water

Answer the following questions

Q: What is the main function of the brain?
A: The brain controls the entire function of our body, receives signals from sense organs, sends information to other parts of the body, stores information, and helps to think and learn new things.


Q: How does the stomach aid in digestion?
A: The stomach secretes gastric juices which help in the digestion of food.


Q: What are the four chambers of the heart?
A: The four chambers of the heart are the right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, and left ventricle.


Q: What are the main functions of the liver?
A: The liver secretes bile juice to aid digestion, breaks down fats, filters toxins, and controls blood sugar.


Q: How do lungs facilitate breathing?
A: Lungs absorb oxygen from inhaled air into the bloodstream and expel carbon dioxide from the blood through exhalation, a process called gas exchange.


Q: What is the primary function of the kidneys?
A: Kidneys filter water and salts from our blood, collecting waste in the urinary bladder to be expelled as urine.


Q: How long is the small intestine and what is its main function?
A: The small intestine is about 20 feet long and its main function is to absorb most of the nutrients from food into the bloodstream.


Q: What is the role of the large intestine?
A: The large intestine absorbs water from wastes and creates stool, which is then expelled from the body.


Q: What is the difference between arteries and veins?
A: Arteries appear red and carry oxygenated blood with nutrients, while veins appear blue and carry deoxygenated blood with waste materials and carbon dioxide.


Q: How many kidneys does a person typically have, and can they live with fewer?
A: People are typically born with two kidneys, but can live a healthy life even with just one kidney.


Q: What protects the brain from external damage?
A: The skull protects the brain from outside damage.


Q: Where is the heart located in the body?
A: The heart is located in a slanting position in the center of the chest.

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