Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 6 The Cherry Tree question and answers

Rakesh eventually planted the cherry seed in a shady corner of the garden where the soil was soft and where the seed could grow undisturbed.


Q: What did Rakesh do after planting the cherry seed?

Rakesh forgot about the cherry seed and went to play cricket with his friends.


Q: How did Rakesh and his grandfather spend their evenings during winter?

Rakesh and his grandfather would sit over a charcoal fire in the evenings. Grandfather would tell Rakesh stories, and in return, Rakesh would read to him from the newspaper.


Q: How did Rakesh and his grandfather know it was spring?

Rakesh and his grandfather knew it was spring when they saw wild ducks flying northwards in a V-shaped formation and heard their calls clearly through the thin mountain air.


Q: What happened to the cherry tree when Rakesh returned after the monsoon?

When Rakesh returned after the monsoon, he found that the cherry tree had grown another foot.


Q: What did Rakesh do after he found the cherry tree had grown another foot?

Rakesh continued to water and care for the cherry tree.


Q: What did Rakesh do with the small cherry seed he found?

Rakesh planted the small cherry seed in the garden.


Q: What visitors did the cherry tree attract?

The cherry tree attracted visitors like a praying mantis and a caterpillar.


Q: When did Rakesh celebrate his ninth birthday, and how tall was the cherry tree then?

Rakesh celebrated his ninth birthday in February, and the two-year-old cherry tree was almost as tall as him.


Q: How had Rakesh grown up?

Rakesh had grown up to be an active and curious boy who loved to read and spend time with Grandfather.


Q: What happened to the cherry tree in the spring and summer?

The cherry tree continued to blossom in the spring and produced small sour cherries in the summer.


Q: How did Rakesh and Grandfather spend time together under the cherry tree?

Rakesh and Grandfather spent time together under the cherry tree, appreciating its beauty and contemplating the many trees in the forest as the day turned into night.


Q: What is the significance of the cherry tree for Rakesh and his grandfather?

The cherry tree is special to both Rakesh and his grandfather because they planted it together from a small seed, and over time it has grown and blossomed, providing shade and nourishment to various creatures. The tree has also become a symbol of the miracle of growth and the beauty of nature.

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