Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 9 English The Fun They Had


5. What had once happened to Tommy’s teacher?
Tommy’s teacher had once been taken away for almost a month because the history sector had blanked out completely.


6. Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? If so, why?
Yes, Margie had regular days and hours for school because her mother believed that learning at regular hours would help her learn better.


7. How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?
Tommy describes the old kind of school as a special building where all the kids went to learn the same things together.

8. How does he describe the old kind of teachers?
Tommy describes the old kind of teachers as men who told the children things, gave them homework, and asked them questions.

Answer each of these questions in two or three paragraphs (100 –150 words).


1. What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and Tommy have in the story?
The main features of the mechanical teachers and schoolrooms in the story are that the teachers are machines with screens that display lessons and ask questions. The mechanical teachers are programmed to teach various subjects and calculate students’ marks. The schoolrooms have screens where the lessons are shown, and there is a slot for students to submit their homework and test papers in punch code format. The lessons are delivered electronically, and students learn individually without classmates.


2. Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old kind of school must have been fun?
Margie hated school because she was struggling with her subjects, particularly geography. The mechanical teacher’s fast-paced teaching style didn’t suit her learning style, leading to poor performance. Margie thought the old kind of school must have been fun because children from the neighborhood attended together, learned the same things, and could help one another with homework and talk about it. The idea of having human teachers who could tailor their teaching to fit each student’s mind also seemed more appealing to her.


3. Do you agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story? Give reasons for your answer.
The answer to whether schools today are more fun than the school in the story is depends on personal thoughts. Some may argue that modern schools with advanced technology, interactive learning tools, and diverse teaching methods can make learning more engaging and enjoyable. On the other hand, others may appreciate the sense of community and collaboration that Margie imagines in the old kind of school. Additionally, individual learning styles and experiences can influence one’s perception of what makes a school fun.


Class 9 English The Fun They Had extra Question Answers


Q: What did Margie find funny about reading words on paper?
A: The words stood still instead of moving on a screen.


Q: Why did Margie and Tommy think it was a waste to throw away a book?
A: They believed their television screen had millions of books and could be used for reading.


Q: Why did Margie hate school even more after her mother sent for the County Inspector?
A: The mechanical teacher had been giving her difficult tests in geography, causing her performance to decline.


Q: What did the County Inspector do to help Margie with geography?
A: He slowed down the pace of the mechanical teacher in that subject.


Q: According to Tommy, what was different about the old kind of school described in the book?
A: The teacher was a man who gave homework and asked questions, unlike the mechanical teacher.


Q: Why did Margie’s mother prefer regular hours for learning?
A: Margie’s mother believed that learning at regular hours improved educational outcomes.


Q: What did Margie think about the old schools?
A: Margie thought that the old schools had human teachers instead of mechanical ones.

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