Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

GSEB Class 8 Social Science Social Justice and Social Anamoly

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 11:12 pm

Human rights are useful for a person to live with dignity. They are congenital rights for all human beings. Everyone has the right to live with dignity without facing any discrimination based on caste religion language nationality etc.

Answer the following questions concisely


Que: – What are the impacts of social inequality on economic status?

The practice of judging someone superior or inferior is fairly common among humans. When this practice gradually creeps into a society, discrimination surfaces, resulting in people favouring their own class and disliking those of other classes.

A situation like this may lead to class conflicts with a serious impact on society as a result a certain class sometimes lags behind in progress as it lacks access to facilities to develop; also, their ability or capacity to speak out against injustice diminishes.


Que: – What is meant by child rights what rights are granted to children?

Child rights are meant for Developing children’s physical, mental, and intellectual energies should be our priority if we are to make them healthy and responsible citizens of any country. The child rights declared by the United Nations for development and welfare of children are as follows

  • Right to live without discrimination of caste colour gender language religion or nationality
  • Right to educate nurturing by parents
  • Right to education for personal development
  • Right to a healthy life
  • Right to live in one’s own religious community and preserve the culture
  • Right to freedom of expression
  • Right to protection against mental or physical harassment exploitation Agony
  • Right to social security and proper standard of living


GSEB Class 8 Social science Solutions

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