Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Maharashtra Board Class 4 EVS Variety in Food


Maize: Grain; Food items: Cornbread, popcorn, cornmeal porridge.

Pumpkin: Vegetable; Food items: Pumpkin soup, roasted pumpkin, pumpkin pie.

Cluster beans (guar): Vegetable; Food items: Cluster beans curry, stir-fried cluster beans, cluster beans salad.


Important Notes


Fruits sold all year round: Some fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, and grapes are commonly available throughout the year.


Fruits not available in the rainy season: Fruits like mangoes, lychees, and jackfruits are typically not available during the rainy season.


Fruits sold in summer: Fruits such as mangoes, watermelons, muskmelons, and grapes are commonly sold during the summer season.


Season with plenty of fruits: Typically, the summer season sees an abundance of fruits due to favorable growing conditions.


Season with fewer fruits: The rainy season usually has fewer fruits available compared to other seasons due to challenges in cultivation and harvest caused by excessive moisture.


Maharashtra Board Class 4 EVS

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