Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Tamil Nadu Board Class 6 Social Science Chapter 2 Human Evolution

[VII] Answer the following


What is evolution?

Evolution is the process through which humankind changes and develops into an advanced stage over millions of years, adapting to environmental changes and developing new traits and abilities.


Write any two characteristics of Homo sapiens?

Developed Brain: Homo sapiens have a highly developed brain capable of abstract thinking, problem-solving, and creating complex tools.

Bipedalism: Homo sapiens walk upright on two legs, which frees the hands for using tools and carrying objects.


Why did humans move from place to place

Humans moved from place to place in search of food. As hunter-gatherers, they followed animal herds and seasonal plant growth, moving to new areas when resources were exhausted.


Describe the ancient methods of hunting?

Ancient humans used sharpened stone tools and weapons for hunting. They would create tools by flaking stones to produce sharp edges. They hunted animals using spears, axes, and traps, and worked in groups to take down larger prey.


Why were axes made?

Axes were made to cut trees, remove bark, dig pits, hunt animals, and process animal hides. They were versatile tools essential for survival and everyday tasks.


How would you define archaeology?

Archaeology is the study of prehistoric humans through the excavation and analysis of material remains, such as tools, pottery, structures, and other artifacts left behind by ancient societies.


What do you know about anthropology?

Anthropology is the study of humans and their evolutionary history. It seeks to understand the development of human cultures, societies, and behaviors through time. The word anthropology comes from Greek words meaning “human” and “reason,” reflecting the discipline’s goal of comprehensively describing human development and social phenomena.


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