Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Tamil Nadu Board Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Indus Civilization

Dog was the first animal to be tamed. Why?

Dogs were likely the first animals to be tamed due to their loyalty, hunting capabilities, and ability to guard settlements.


If you were an archaeologist, what will you do?

As an archaeologist, I would conduct excavations, analyze artifacts, study ancient texts, and use modern technology to understand past cultures and civilizations.


Name any two Indus sites located in the Indian border.

wo Indus sites located in the Indian border are Lothal in Gujarat and Dholavira in Gujarat.


In Indus civilisation, which feature you like the most? Why?

The advanced urban planning and sanitation systems of the Indus civilization are impressive, as they indicate a high level of organization and civic consciousness for their time.


What instrument is used nowadays to weigh things?

Nowadays, digital or electronic weighing scales are commonly used to weigh things.


[VII] Answer the following


What method is used to explore buried buildings nowadays?

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is commonly used to explore buried buildings nowadays.


Why Indus Civilisation is called Bronze Age civilisation?

The Indus Civilization is called a Bronze Age civilization because bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was commonly used by the people of this civilization for making tools, weapons, and various artifacts.


Indus Civilisation is called urban civilisation. Give reasons.

Indus Civilization is called an urban civilization because it had well-planned cities with advanced infrastructure such as drainage systems, grid-pattern streets, and public buildings.


Can you point out the special features of their drainage system?

The special features of the drainage system in the Indus Civilization include covered drains with slabs or bricks, a gentle slope for water flow, and holes at regular intervals for cleaning purposes.


What do you know about the Great Bath?

The Great Bath is a large, well-built public bathing area found in the archaeological remains of the Indus Civilization cities, such as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. It is believed to have been used for ritualistic bathing or possibly for social gatherings.


How do you know that Indus people traded with other countries?

Evidence of trade with other countries by the Indus people includes the discovery of Indus seals in Mesopotamia, the presence of imported materials like lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, and the discovery of a naval dockyard at Lothal in Gujarat, indicating maritime trade activities.

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