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By Savita S. More

The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers

Last updated on August 30th, 2023 at 10:31 pm

The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats Class 6 Questions and Answers


Answer in short:


Question:  Name the process by which living things obtain energy from food?

Answer:  Respiration


Question:  Name any two aquatic plants which are completely submerged in water?

Answer:  Hydrilla and eelgrass


Question:  Name some terrestrial habitats.

Answer:  Grasslands, mountains, forests, desert etc.


Question:  What are components of habitat?

Answer:  There are 2 components of habitat

Biotic and abiotic


Question:  Mention few aquatic plants found in pond.

Answer:  Waterlily, lotus, water hyacinth etc.


Question:  Name the habitats of the following plants.

Answer:  Cactus – desert [terrestrial habitat]

Hydrilla – aquatic


Question:  Name some plants which live in dry areas.

Answer:  Cactus dates and agave


Question:  Name aquatic habitats.

Answer:  Ponds sea ocean lake river etc.


Question:  Write the names of sea animals which have nostrils.

Answer:  Blue Whales and dolphins


Question:  How do gills help a fish.

Answer:  Gills help a fish by absorbing oxygen dissolved in water.


Question:  Name an animal that respires through the skin.

Answer:  Frog and earthworm


Question:  Name an animal who can survive both in land and water.

Answer:  Frog


Question:  Example of non-living things which shows the characteristics of living things.

Answer: Car and airplane


Question:  Why do fish have slippery scales on their bodies?

Answer:  Fish have slippery scales on their bodies to protect themselves.


Question:  Define habitat and how many types of habitats are found on the earth?


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