Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 7 History Unit 4 The Delhi Sultanate

If you are looking for TN Board Class 7 History Unit 4 The Delhi Sultanate  then you are at the right place. Here we are providing solutions as well as additional QA / Important Notes.


Choose the correct answer:

[1] ____________laid the foundation of ‘Mamluk’ dynasty.

  • Mohammad Ghori
  • Jalal-ud-din
  • Qutb-ud-din Aibak
  • Iltutmish


[2]Qutb-ud-in shifted his capital to Delhi from_____________.

  • Lahore
  • Poona
  • Daulatabad
  • Agra


[3] ______________ completed the construction of the Qutb-Minar.

  • Razia
  • Qutb-ud-din -Aibak
  • Iltutmish
  • Balban


[4] _________laid the foundation of the city Tughluqabad near Delhi.

  • Muhammad-bin -Tughluq
  • Firoz shah Tughluq
  • Jalal –ud-din
  • Ghiyas –ud-din


II Fill in the Blanks

  1. ___________ was the founder of Tughluq dynasty.[Ghiyas-ud-din]
  2. Muhammad–bin-Tughluq shifted his capital from Delhi to___________.[Devagiri]
  3. ____________ patronized the famous Persian poet Amir Khusru.[Ghiyas-ud-din Balban]
  4. Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid in Delhi was built by______________ .[Qutb-ud-din Aibak]
  5. The threat of Mongols under Chengizkhan to India was during the reign of_________________________.[Iltutmish]


III Match the following

  1. Tughril Khan – Governor of Kara
  2. Ala-ud-din – Jalal-ud-din Yakut
  3. Bahlol Lodi – Governor of Bengal
  4. Razia – Governor of Sirhind


  • Tughril Khan – Governor of Bengal
  • Ala-ud-din – Governor of Kara
  • Bahlol Lodi – Governor of Sirhind
  • Razia – Jalal-ud-din Yakut


IV State true or false


  1. Qutb-ud-din Aibak died of mysterious fever.[False]
  2. Razia was an able and brave fighter.[True]
  3. The Turkish nobles chose Iltutmish, son of Aibak, as Sultan after the death of Aibak.[False]
  4. FirozShah Tughluq refused to accept an invitation from a Bahmani Prince to intervene in the affairs of the Deccan.[True]


Match the statement with the reason.


Tick the appropriate answer

Assertion (A):Balban maintained cordial relationship with Mongols

Reason (R): The Mongol ruler, a grandson of Chengiz Khan, assured that Mongols would not advance beyond Sutlej.

  • R is the correct explanation of A.
  • R is not the correct explanation of A.
  • A and R are wrong.
  • A is wrong and R is the correct.



Find out the correct pair

  • Hoysala – Devagiri
  • Yadavas – Dwarasamudra
  • Kakatias – Warrangal
  • Pallavas – Madurai


Find out the wrong statement

  • After Ghori’s death in 1206, his slave Qutbud-din Aibak proclaimed him self the ruler of the Turkish territories in India.
  • Razia established the department of spies to gather intelligence about the conspirators and the trouble makers against her rule.
  • Balban built forts to guard his empire against the Mongol attack.
  • Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur in 1526.


VI Answer the following in one or two sentences


Name the land granted to army officials in lieu of a regular wage.

The land granted to army officials in lieu of a regular wage was called iqta.


Who founded the city of Agra?

Sikandar Lodi founded the city of Agra.

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