Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 7 History Unit 4 The Delhi Sultanate


Name the ruler who established Muslim rule in India in 12th century A.D (CE).

Muhammad Ghori established Muslim rule in India in the 12th century A.D (CE).


Write a note on chahalgani.

Chahalgani, also known as “The Forty,” was a select group of forty powerful Turkish nobles organized by Iltutmish to consolidate his control and counter potential threats to his rule.


How did Ala-ud-din Khalji consolidate the Delhi Sultanate?

Ala-ud-din Khalji consolidated the Delhi Sultanate through impressive military conquests in the Punjab, Rajasthan, and Gujarat, and administrative reforms, including fixing revenue demand and enforcing food grain procurement and storage systems.


List out the contributions of Firoz Shah Tughluq.

Firoz Shah Tughluq promoted agriculture by waiving off agricultural debts and constructing canals, created charities, built colleges, mosques, and hospitals, established new towns, and implemented humanitarian measures like banning inhuman punishments.


VII Answer the following


Write about the invasion of Timur in 1398.

Timur, also known as Tamerlane, was a Central Asian conqueror and the ruler of Samarkand. In 1398, he invaded India during a period of political instability and fragmentation within the Delhi Sultanate. Taking advantage of the weakened state, Timur’s forces crossed the Indus River and advanced into northern India.

Timur’s invasion was marked by extreme brutality and widespread devastation. He captured Delhi in December 1398, leading to one of the most horrific sackings in its history. His army massacred a large portion of the city’s population and plundered its wealth. In addition to the immense loot, Timur took numerous skilled artisans and craftsmen back to Samarkand to enhance his own capital’s grandeur.

The Punjab region, particularly Delhi, suffered significantly from Timur’s raid. The invasion left the Delhi Sultanate in ruins, leading to further instability and setting the stage for subsequent shifts in power. Before departing India, Timur appointed Khizr Khan as the governor of the territories he had conquered, who later founded the Sayyid Dynasty in 1414.

Timur’s invasion had long-lasting effects on the region, contributing to the decline of the Delhi Sultanate and the eventual rise of new powers such as the Mughal Empire.

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