Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 8 Civics Unit 3 Understanding Secularism

If you are looking for TN Board Class 8 Civics Unit 3 Understanding Secularism, then you are at the right place.


Choose the correct answer


Secularism means

  • a) State is against to all religions
  • b) State accepts only one religion
  • c) An attitude of tolerance and peaceful co-existence on the part of citizen belonging any religion
  • d) None of these


India is a land of _______

  • a) Multi – religious faith
  • b) Multi – cultural beliefs
  • c) Both (1) & (2)
  • d) None of these


The Preamble of the Constitution was amended in__________.

  • a) 1951
  • b) 1976
  • c) 1974
  • d) 1967


Which one of the following describes India as a secular state?

  • a) Fundamental Rights
  • b) Fundamental Duty
  • c) Directive Principles of State Policy
  • d) Preamble of the Constitution


Right to freedom of religion is related to

  • a) Judiciary
  • b) Parliament
  • c) Directive principles of State Policy
  • d) Fundamental rights


According to Article 28, which type of education is restricted in state aided educational institutions?

  • a) Religious instruction
  • b) Moral education
  • c) Physical education
  • d) None above these


The country will be considered as a secular country, if it _______

  • a) Gives importance to a particular religion
  • b) Bans religious instructions in the state – aided educational institutions.
  • c) Does not give importance to a particular religion
  • d) Bans the propagation of any religious belief.


II Fill in the blanks

  1. Religion does not teach us ___________.[animosity]
  2. Secularism is a part of democracy which grants _________________.[equal rights]
  3. _____________ is a lack of belief in god and gods.[Atheism ]
  4. The basic aim of our constitution is to promote _______and ______.[unity and integrity]
  5. Article 15 prohibits _____________on the grounds of religion, caste, sex or place of birth.[discrimination ]


III Match the following

  • Atheism – Coined the word secularism
  • Children – Social reformer
  • Din-i-Illahi – Lack of belief in god
  • Constitution – Future citizen
  • Holyoake – Divine faith
  • Rajaram Mohan Roy – 1950


  • Atheism – Lack of belief in god
  • Children – Future citizen
  • Din-i-Illahi – Divine faith
  • Constitution – 1950
  • Holyoake – Coined the word secularism
  • Rajaram Mohan Roy – Social reformer


IV State true or false

  1. There is state religion in India [ False]
  2. The term secularism has been derived from the Greek word.[False]
  3. The Mughal emperor Akbar followed the policy of religious toleration.[True]
  4. Jainism originated in China.[false]
  5. Government of India declares holidays for all religious festivals.[False]


V Consider the following statements and tick (✓) the appropriate answer


i) Secularism is invaluable for a society like India which is characterized by religious diversity.

ii) The word secularism was not mentioned in the Constitution when it was adopted in 1950.

iii) Article 26 deals with payment of taxes for the promotion of any particular religion.

iv) Akbar’s tomb situated at Sikandara near Agra.

  • a) i, ii only
  • b) ii, iii only
  • c) iv only
  • d) i, ii and iv only

Ans – d) i, ii and iv only

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