Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 8 Geography Unit 4 Migration and Urbanisation


Q- Define “Migration”.

Migration is defined as the permanent or semi-permanent change of residence of an individual or group of people over a significant distance. The United Nations Organization defines it as a form of geographical mobility of population between one geographical unit to another, generally involving a permanent change of residence.


Q- What are the causes of rural to urban migration?

The causes of rural to urban migration include:

  • Search for better employment opportunities.
  • Access to better education and healthcare.
  • Improved living standards and infrastructure.
  • Availability of modern amenities and services.


Q- State the causes of the ecological or natural migration.

Ecological or natural causes of migration include:

  • Volcanic eruptions
  • Earthquakes
  • Floods
  • Droughts

These natural events force people to leave their native places and settle in new areas.


Q- Name any two pull factors of migration.

  • Employment opportunities.
  • Better living conditions.


Q- What is Urbanisation?

Urbanisation is the process in which an increasing proportion of the population lives in towns and cities, often due to rural to urban migration, natural population growth, and reclassification of rural areas as urban.


Q- List out any four most populous cities in the world.

  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Delhi, India
  • Shanghai, China
  • São Paulo, Brazil



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