Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 8 History Unit 1 Advent of the Europeans

If you are looking for TN Board Class 8 History Unit 1 Advent of the Europeans  then you are at the right place. Here we are providing solutions as well as additional QA / Important Notes.

Choose the correct answer.

Who laid the foundation of Portuguese power in India?

  • Vasco da Gama
  • Bartholomew Diaz
  • Alfonso de Albuquerque
  • Almeida


Which of the following European Nation was the foremost attempt to discover a sea route to India?

  • Dutch
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Britain


In 1453 Constantinople was captured by ____________.

  • The French
  • The Turks
  • The Dutch
  • The British


Sir William Hawkins belonged to ____________.

  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • England
  • France


The first fort constructed by the British in India was ____________.

  • Fort William
  • Fort St.George
  • Agra Fort
  • Fort St. David


Who among the following Europeans were the last to come India as traders?

  • The British
  • The French
  • The Danish
  • The Portuguese


Tranquebar on the Tamilnadu coast was a trade centre of the ____________.

  • The Portuguese
  • The British
  • The French
  • The Danish


Fill in the blanks

  • National Archives of India (NAI) is located in ____________.[New Delhi]
  • Bartholomew Diaz, a Portuguese sailor was patronized by ____________.[King John II]
  • The printing press in India was set up by ____________ at Goa in 1556.[Portugese]
  • The Mughal Emperor ____________ permitted the English to trade in India.[Jahangir]
  • The French East India Company was formed by ____________.[Colbert]
  • ____________ the King of Denmark issued a charter to create Danish East India company.[Christian IV]


Match the following

  • 1 The Dutch – 1664
  • 2 The British – 1602
  • 3 The Danish – 1600
  • 4 The French – 1616


  • The Dutch – 1602
  • The British – 1600
  • The Danish – 1616
  • The French – 1664

State true or false

  • Auto biography is one of the written sources.[True]
  • Coins are one of the material sources.[True]
  • Ananda Rangam was a translator served under British.[False]
  • The place where historical documents are preserved is called archives.[True]


Consider the following statements and tick () the appropriate answer

Governor Nino de Cunha moved Portuguese capital from Cochin to Goa.

Portuguese were the last to leave from in India.

The Dutch founded their first factory at Surat.

Sir Thomas Roe was sent to Jahangir’s court by King James I of England.

  • i & ii are Correct.
  • ii & iv are Correct.
  • iii is correct.
  • i, ii & iv are correct.


Find out the wrong pair

  • Francis Day – Denmark
  • Pedro Cabral – Portugal
  • Captain Hawkins – Britain
  • Colbert – France


Answer the following in one or two sentences.


Give a short note on Archives.

Archives are repositories where historical documents and records are preserved. They serve as valuable sources of information for understanding past administrative, political, social, economic, cultural, and scientific activities. The National Archives of India (NAI) in New Delhi is a key storehouse of government records in India.


Write about the importance of Coins.

Coins are significant historical sources that provide insights into the economic history, administrative practices, and cultural aspects of a society. They help historians understand the trade, economy, governance, and even art and religion of the period in which they were minted.


Why Prince Henry is called ‘Henry the Navigator’?

Prince Henry of Portugal is called ‘Henry the Navigator’ because he played a pivotal role in the early days of the Portuguese Empire and the Age of Discoveries. He encouraged and sponsored many exploratory voyages along the African coast, which eventually led to the discovery of new sea routes to India.


Name the important factories established by the Dutch in India.

The Dutch established several important factories in India, including those at Masulipatnam, Pulicat, Surat, Chinsura, Kasimbazar, Patna, Nagapatnam, Balasore, and Cochin.


Mention the trading centres of the English in India.

The English established numerous trading centres in India, such as Surat, Madras (Fort St. George), Bombay, and Calcutta (Fort William). These centers played crucial roles in their commercial and later political dominance in India.


Answer the following in detail.

Give an account of the sources of Modern India.

The sources for the history of modern India are diverse and include both written and material sources. These sources help us understand the political, socio-economic, and cultural developments in the country.

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