Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

What Is HTML and Its Features- HTML Elements

What Is HTML and Its Features

What Is HTML and Its Features- HTML Elements | what is html full form ,tags , elements , attributes ,forms , sysntax ,heading etc…


What is HTML and What is the Full Form of HTML?

HTML is a markup language that is used by all web browsers to judge how a page should be displayed. It consists of simple text and tags.

There are various types of tags that wrap around various types of content to affect that content.

What is HTML element?

<html> </html>

Indicates that this is an HTML document. All HTML documents begin and end with this tag.

<head> </head>

Creates a container for meta information related to a document, such as the title, keywords, and description.

<title> </title>

Whenever we add something to this tag, the browser will display it in the document’s title bar.

<body> </body>

This is the container where all the viewable contents will be inserted (text, images, etc.).

The following is a list of all the syntax used to create a very simple web page that only includes the text “Good Morning to All.”.



<title> GM </title>



Good Morning to All



HTML files can be saved as either .htm or .html files.


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